I. A woman of worth does her duty and trusts in the providence of God (v. 1-3)

II. A woman of worth is reverent (v. 4-7a)

III. A woman of worth is a hard worker (v. 7b)

IV. A woman of worth is grateful to be protected and provided for (v. 8-10, 14-16)

V. A women of worth adorns herself with faith and holiness (v. 11)

VI. A woman of worth is committed to selfless love (v. 11a, 17-18)

VII. A woman of worth is devoted to the LORD above all (v. 11b)

VIII. A woman of worth follows the LORD wherever he leads (v. 11c)

IX. A woman of worth embraces the LORD’s people (v. 11d)

X. A women of worth perseveres in good works (v. 19-23) 

XI. A woman of worth takes refuge under the wings of the LORD (v. 12-13)

DISCUSSION Read verses 19-22.

1. Read verses 1-7. What do we learn about Boaz in these verses? What do we learn about Ruth? What does verse 3 reveal about the loving providence of God?

2. Read verses 8-13. What does Boaz exhort Ruth to do in verses 8-9? What does he promise her? How does Boaz prefigure Christ Jesus here? How did Ruth respond in verses 10 and 13? What reason does Boaz give for showing her favor in verses 11-12? What is the anchor of all these good works, according to the last part of verse 12?

3. Read verses 14-16. What did Boaz say to Ruth? What must Ruth have been thinking? How does Boaz prefigure the Lord Jesus here?

4. Read verses 17-23. What stands out to you in these verses and why? What does Naomi identify Boaz as at the end of verse 20? How does Leviticus 25:25-33, 48-54 shed light on this word “redeemer”?
*note they are the same words in Hebrew



I. A man of worth has a heart filled with love for God that overflows in his speech (v. 2-4) 

II. A man of worth cares about the wellbeing of women (v. 5-7) 

III. A man of worth protects women (v. 8-9) 

IV. A man of worth is attracted to holiness and faith (v. 10-12)

V. A man of worth shows grace, gives comfort, and speaks kindly even above and beyond his duty (v. 13)

VI. A man of worth is a hardworking provider (v. 14-18) 

VII. A man of worth is a redeemer (v. 19-20) 

VIII. A man of worth perseveres in good works (v. 21-23) 

DISCUSSION Read verses 19-22.

1. Read verses 1-7. What do we learn about Boaz in these verses? What do we learn about Ruth? What does verse 3 reveal about the loving providence of God?

2. Read verses 8-13. What does Boaz exhort Ruth to do in verses 8-9? What does he promise her? How does Boaz prefigure Christ Jesus here? How did Ruth respond in verses 10 and 13? What reason does Boaz give for showing her favor in verses 11-12? What is the anchor of all these good works, according to the last part of verse 12?

3. Read verses 14-16. What did Boaz say to Ruth? What must Ruth have been thinking? How does Boaz prefigure the Lord Jesus here?

4. Read verses 17-23. What stands out to you in these verses and why? What does Naomi identify Boaz as at the end of verse 20? How does Leviticus 25:25-33, 48-54 shed light on this word “redeemer”?
*note they are the same words in Hebrew

Psalm 036

1    The wicked man’s transgression

          within my heart thus says,

     Undoubtedly the fear of God

          is not before his eyes.

2    Because himself he flattereth

          in his own blinded eye,

     Until the hatefulness be found

          of his iniquity.

3    Words from his mouth proceeding are,

          fraud and iniquity:

     He to be wise, and to do good,

          hath left off utterly.

4    He mischief, lying on his bed,

          most cunningly doth plot:

     He sets himself in ways not good,

          ill he abhorreth not.

5    Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heav’ns;

          thy truth doth reach the clouds:

6    Thy justice is like mountains great;

          thy judgments deep as floods:

     Lord, thou preservest man and beast.

7         How precious is thy grace!

     Therefore in shadow of thy wings

          men’s sons their trust shall place.

8    They with the fatness of thy house

          shall be well satisfy’d;

     From rivers of thy pleasures thou

          wilt drink to them provide.

9    Because of life the fountain pure

          remains alone with thee;

     And in that purest light of thine

          we clearly light shall see.

10   Thy loving-kindness unto them

          continue that thee know;

     And still on men upright in heart

          thy righteousness bestow.

11   Let not the foot of cruel pride

          come, and against me stand;

     And let me not removed be,

          Lord, by the wicked’s hand.

12   There fallen are they, and ruined,

          that work iniquities:

     Cast down they are, and never shall

          be able to arise.

Psalm 035

1    Plead, Lord, with those that plead; and fight

          with those that fight with me.

2    Of shield and buckler take thou hold,

          stand up mine help to be.

3    Draw also out the spear, and do

          against them stop the way

     That me pursue: unto my soul,

          I’m thy salvation, say.

4    Let them confounded be and sham’d

          that for my soul have sought:

     Who plot my hurt turn’d back be they,

          and to confusion brought.

5    Let them be like unto the chaff

          that flies before the wind;

     And let the angel of the Lord

          pursue them hard behind.

6    With darkness cover thou their way,

          and let it slipp’ry prove;

     And let the angel of the Lord

          pursue them from above.

7    For without cause have they for me

          their net hid in a pit,

     They also have without a cause

          for my soul digged it.

8    Let ruin seize him unawares;

          his net he hid withal

     Himself let catch; and in the same

          destruction let him fall.

9    My soul in God shall joy; and glad

          in his salvation be:

10   And all my bones shall say, O Lord,

          who is like unto thee,

     Which dost the poor set free from him

          that is for him too strong;

     The poor and needy from the man

          that spoils and does him wrong?

11   False witnesses rose; to my charge

          things I not knew they laid.

12   They, to the spoiling of my soul,

          me ill for good repaid.

13   But as for me, when they were sick,

          in sackcloth sad I mourn’d:

     My humbled soul did fast, my pray’r

          into my bosom turn’d.

14   Myself I did behave as he

          had been my friend or brother;

     I heavily bow’d down, as one

          that mourneth for his mother.

15   But in my trouble they rejoic’d,

          gath’ring themselves together;

     Yea, abjects vile together did

          themselves against me gather:

     I knew it not; they did me tear,

          and quiet would not be.

16   With mocking hypocrites, at feasts

          they gnash’d their teeth at me.

17   How long, Lord, look’st thou on? from those

          destructions they intend

     Rescue my soul, from lions young

          my darling do defend.

18   I will give thanks to thee, O Lord,

          within th’ assembly great;

     And where much people gather’d are

          thy praises forth will set.

19   Let not my wrongful enemies

          proudly rejoice o’er me;

     Nor who me hate without a cause,

          let them wink with the eye.

20   For peace they do not speak at all;

          but crafty plots prepare

     Against all those within the land

          that meek and quiet are.

21   With mouths set wide, they ‘gainst me said,

          Ha, ha! our eye doth see.

22   Lord, thou hast seen, hold not thy peace;

          Lord, be not far from me.

23   Stir up thyself; wake, that thou may’st

          judgment to me afford,

     Ev’n to my cause, O thou that art

          my only God and Lord.

24   O Lord my God, do thou me judge

          after thy righteousness;

     And let them not their joy ‘gainst me

          triumphantly express:

25   Nor let them say within their hearts,

          Ah, we would have it thus;

     Nor suffer them to say, that he

          is swallow’d up by us.

26   Sham’d and confounded be they all

          that at my hurt are glad;

     Let those against me that do boast

          with shame and scorn be clad.

27   Let them that love my righteous cause

          be glad, shout, and not cease

     To say, The Lord be magnify’d,

          who loves his servant’s peace.

28   Thy righteousness shall also be

          declared by my tongue;

     The praises that belong to thee

          speak shall it all day long.

Psalm 027

1    The Lord’s my light and saving health,

          who shall make me dismay’d?

     My life’s strength is the Lord, of whom

          then shall I be afraid?

2    When as mine enemies and foes,

          most wicked persons all,

     To eat my flesh against me rose,

          they stumbled and did fall.

3    Against me though an host encamp,

          my heart yet fearless is:

     Though war against me rise, I will

          be confident in this.

4    One thing I of the Lord desir’d,

          and will seek to obtain,

     That all days of my life I may

          within God’s house remain;

     That I the beauty of the Lord

          behold may and admire,

     And that I in his holy place

          may rev’rently enquire.

5    For he in his pavilion shall

          me hide in evil days;

     In secret of his tent me hide,

          and on a rock me raise.

6    And now, ev’n at this present time,

          mine head shall lifted be

     Above all those that are my foes,

          and round encompass me:

     Therefore unto his tabernacle

          I’ll sacrifices bring

     Of joyfulness; I’ll sing, yea, I

          to God will praises sing.

7    O Lord, give ear unto my voice,

          when I do cry to thee;

     Upon me also mercy have,

          and do thou answer me.

8    When thou didst say, Seek ye my face,

          then unto thee reply

     Thus did my heart, Above all things

          thy face, Lord, seek will I.

9    Far from me hide not thou thy face;

          put not away from thee

     Thy servant in thy wrath: thou hast

          an helper been to me.

     O God of my salvation,

          leave me not, nor forsake:

10   Though me my parents both should leave,

          the Lord will me up take.

11   O Lord, instruct me in thy way,

          to me a leader be

     In a plain path, because of those

          that hatred bear to me.

12   Give me not to mine en’mies’ will;

          for witnesses that lie

     Against me risen are, and such

          as breathe out cruelty.

13   I fainted had, unless that I

          believed had to see

     The Lord’s own goodness in the land

          of them that living be.

14   Wait on the Lord, and be thou strong,

          and he shall strength afford

     Unto thine heart; yea, do thou wait,

          I say, upon the Lord.

Psalm 024

Psalm 24:3-10

TUNE = God Moves in a Mysterious Way, Jason French version

The earth belongs unto the Lord,
and all that it contains;
The world that is inhabited,
and all that there remains.

For the foundations thereof
he on the seas did lay,
And he hath it established
upon the floods to stay.

Who is the man that shall ascend
into the hill of God?
Or who within his holy place
shall have a firm abode?

Whose hands are clean, whose heart is pure,
and unto vanity
Who hath not lifted up his soul,
nor sworn deceitfully.

He from th’ Eternal shall receive
the blessing him upon,
And righteousness, ev’n from the God
of his salvation.

This is the generation
that after him enquire,
O Jacob, who do seek thy face
with their whole heart’s desire.

Ye gates, lift up your heads on high;
ye doors that last for aye,
Be lifted up, that so the King
of glory enter may.

But who of glory is the King?
The mighty Lord is this;
Ev’n that same Lord, that great in might
and strong in battle is.

Ye gates, lift up your heads; ye doors,
doors that do last for aye,
Be lifted up, that so the King
of glory enter may.

10 But who is he that is the King
of glory? who is this?
The Lord of hosts, and none but he,
the King of glory is


Psalm 032

1    O blessed is the man to whom

          is freely pardoned

     All the transgression he hath done,

          whose sin is covered.

2    Bless’d is the man to whom the Lord

          imputeth not his sin,

     And in whose sp’rit there is no guile,

          nor fraud is found therein.

3    When as I did refrain my speech,

          and silent was my tongue,

     My bones then waxed old, because

          I roared all day long.

4    For upon me both day and night

          thine hand did heavy lie,

     So that my moisture turned is

          in summer’s drought thereby.

5    I thereupon have unto thee

          my sin acknowledged,

     And likewise mine iniquity

          I have not covered:

     I will confess unto the Lord

          my trespasses, said I;

     And of my sin thou freely didst

          forgive th’ iniquity.

6    For this shall ev’ry godly one

          his prayer make to thee;

     In such a time he shall thee seek,

          as found thou mayest be.

     Surely, when floods of waters great

          do swell up to the brim,

     They shall not overwhelm his soul,

          nor once come near to him.

7    Thou art my hiding-place, thou shalt

          from trouble keep me free:

     Thou with songs of deliverance

          about shalt compass me.

8    I will instruct thee, and thee teach

          the way that thou shalt go;

     And, with mine eye upon thee set,

          I will direction show.

9    Then be not like the horse or mule,

          which do not understand;

     Whose mouth, lest they come near to thee,

          a bridle must command.

10   Unto the man that wicked is

          his sorrows shall abound;

     But him that trusteth in the Lord

          mercy shall compass round.

11   Ye righteous, in the Lord be glad,

          in him do ye rejoice:

     All ye that upright are in heart,

          for joy lift up your voice.

Psalm 023

1    The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want.
2          He makes me down to lie
     In pastures green: he leadeth me
          the quiet waters by.

3    My soul he doth restore again;
          and me to walk doth make
     Within the paths of righteousness,
          ev’n for his own name’s sake.

4    Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale,
          yet will I fear none ill:
     For thou art with me; and thy rod
          and staff me comfort still.

5    My table thou hast furnished
          in presence of my foes;
     My head thou dost with oil anoint,
          and my cup overflows.

6    Goodness and mercy all my life
          shall surely follow me:
     And in God’s house for evermore
          my dwelling-place shall be.

Psalm 026

1    Judge me, O Lord, for I have walk’d

          in mine integrity:

     I trusted also in the Lord;

          slide therefore shall not I.

2    Examine me, and do me prove;

          try heart and reins, O God:

3    For thy love is before mine eyes,

          thy truth’s paths I have trode.

4    With persons vain I have not sat,

          nor with dissemblers gone:

5    Th’ assembly of ill men I hate;

          to sit with such I shun.

6    Mine hands in innocence, O Lord,

          I’ll wash and purify;

     So to thine holy altar go,

          and compass it will I:

7    That I, with voice of thanksgiving,

          may publish and declare,

     And tell of all thy mighty works,

          that great and wondrous are.

8    The habitation of thy house,

          Lord, I have loved well;

     Yea, in that place I do delight

          where doth thine honour dwell.

9    With sinners gather not my soul,

          and such as blood would spill:

10   Whose hands mischievous plots, right hand

          corrupting bribes do fill.

11   But as for me, I will walk on

          in mine integrity:

     Do thou redeem me, and, O Lord,

          be merciful to me.

12   My foot upon an even place

          doth stand with stedfastness:

     Within the congregations

          th’ Eternal I will bless.

Psalm 033

Psalm 33:1-9 – LIVE

TUNE: There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood

1    Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice;
          it comely is and right,
     That upright men, with thankful voice,
          should praise the Lord of might.

2    Praise God with harp, and unto him
          sing with the psaltery;
     Upon a ten-string’d instrument
          make ye sweet melody.

3    A new song to him sing, and play
          with loud noise skilfully;
4    For right is God’s word, all his works
          are done in verity.

5    To judgment and to righteousness
          a love he beareth still;
     The loving-kindness of the Lord
          the earth throughout doth fill.

6    The heavens by the word of God
          did their beginning take;
     And by the breathing of his mouth
          he all their hosts did make.

7    The waters of the seas he brings
          together as an heap;
     And in storehouses, as it were,
          he layeth up the deep.

8    Let earth, and all that live therein,
          with rev’rence fear the Lord;
     Let all the world’s inhabitants
          dread him with one accord.

9    For he did speak the word, and done
          it was without delay;
     Established it firmly stood,
          whatever he did say.


10   God doth the counsel bring to nought

          which heathen folk do take;

     And what the people do devise

          of none effect doth make.

11   O but the counsel of the Lord

          doth stand for ever sure;

     And of his heart the purposes

          from age to age endure.

12   That nation blessed is, whose God

          Jehovah is, and those

     A blessed people are, whom for

          his heritage he chose.

13   The Lord from heav’n sees and beholds

          all sons of men full well:

14   He views all from his dwelling-place

          that in the earth do dwell.

15   He forms their hearts alike, and all

          their doings he observes.

16   Great hosts save not a king, much strength

          no mighty man preserves.

17   An horse for preservation

          is a deceitful thing;

     And by the greatness of his strength

          can no deliv’rance bring.

18   Behold on those that do him fear

          the Lord doth set his eye;

     Ev’n those who on his mercy do

          with confidence rely.

19   From death to free their soul, in dearth

          life unto them to yield.

20   Our soul doth wait upon the Lord;

          he is our help and shield.

21   Sith in his holy name we trust,

          our heart shall joyful be.

22   Lord, let thy mercy be on us,

          as we do hope in thee.

Ekklesia Muskogee is a reformed baptist church that gathers for worship in Muskogee, Oklahoma. We confess the 1689 second London baptist confession of faith. We affirm the five solas of the Reformation as well as the doctrines of grace (otherwise known as the five points of Calvinism), and each of our pastors would not be ashamed to be called a Calvinist. We are a church led by elders, of which there is a plurality (also called pastors and overseers in the Scriptures). Our mission is to make disciples, love cities, and plant churches.