Psalm 122

1    I joy’d when to the house of God,

          Go up, they said to me.

2    Jerusalem, within thy gates

          our feet shall standing be.

3    Jerus’lem, as a city, is

          compactly built together:

4    Unto that place the tribes go up,

          the tribes of God go thither:

     To Isr’el’s testimony, there

          to God’s name thanks to pay.

5    For thrones of judgment, ev’n the thrones

          of David’s house, there stay.

6    Pray that Jerusalem may have

          peace and felicity:

     Let them that love thee and thy peace

          have still prosperity.

7    Therefore I wish that peace may still

          within thy walls remain,

     And ever may thy palaces

          prosperity retain.

8    Now, for my friends’ and brethren’s sakes,

          Peace be in thee, I’ll say.

9    And for the house of God our Lord,

          I’ll seek thy good alway.

Psalm 125

1    They in the Lord that firmly trust

          shall be like Sion hill,

     Which at no time can be remov’d,

          but standeth ever still.

2    As round about Jerusalem

          the mountains stand alway,

     The Lord his folk doth compass so,

          from henceforth and for aye.

3    For ill men’s rod upon the lot

          of just men shall not lie;

     Lest righteous men stretch forth their hands

          unto iniquity.

4    Do thou to all those that be good

          thy goodness, Lord, impart;

     And do thou good to those that are

          upright within their heart.

5    But as for such as turn aside

          after their crooked way,

     God shall lead forth with wicked men:

          on Isr’el peace shall stay.

Psalm 126

Psalm 126 – LIVE

TUNE = O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing

1    When Sion’s bondage God turn’d back,
          as men that dream’d were we.
2    Then fill’d with laughter was our mouth,
          our tongue with melody:

     They ‘mong the heathen said, The Lord
          great things for them hath wrought.
3    The Lord hath done great things for us,
          whence joy to us is brought.

4    As streams of water in the south,
          our bondage, Lord, recall.
5    Who sow in tears, a reaping time
          of joy enjoy they shall.

6    That man who, bearing precious seed,
          in going forth doth mourn,
     He doubtless, bringing back his sheaves,
          rejoicing shall return.

Psalm 127

1    Except the Lord do build the house,

          the builders lose their pain:

     Except the Lord the city keep,

          the watchmen watch in vain.

2   ‘Tis vain for you to rise betimes,

          or late from rest to keep,

     To feed on sorrows’ bread; so gives

          he his beloved sleep.

3    Lo, children are God’s heritage,

          the womb’s fruit his reward.

4    The sons of youth as arrows are,

          for strong men’s hands prepar’d.

5    O happy is the man that hath

          his quiver fill’d with those;

     They unashamed in the gate

          shall speak unto their foes.

Psalm 128

1    Bless’d is each one that fears the Lord,

          and walketh in his ways;

2    For of thy labour thou shalt eat,

          and happy be always.

3    Thy wife shall as a fruitful vine

          by thy house’ sides be found:

     Thy children like to olive-plants

          about thy table round.

4    Behold, the man that fears the Lord,

          thus blessed shall he be.

5    The Lord shall out of Sion give

          his blessing unto thee:

     Thou shalt Jerus’lem’s good behold

          whilst thou on earth dost dwell.

6    Thou shalt thy children’s children see,

          and peace on Israel.

Psalm 129

1    Oft did they vex me from my youth,

          may Isr’el now declare;

2    Oft did they vex me from my youth,

          yet not victorious were.

3    The plowers plow’d upon my back;

          they long their furrows drew.

4    The righteous Lord did cut the cords

          of the ungodly crew.

5    Let Sion’s haters all be turn’d

          back with confusion.

6    As grass on houses’ tops be they,

          which fades ere it be grown:

7    Whereof enough to fill his hand

          the mower cannot find;

     Nor can the man his bosom fill,

          whose work is sheaves to bind.

8    Neither say they who do go by,

          God’s blessing on you rest:

     We in the name of God the Lord

          do wish you to be blest.

Psalm 121

TUNE = Amazing Grace

1    I to the hills will lift mine eyes,
          from whence doth come mine aid.
2    My safety cometh from the Lord,
          who heav’n and earth hath made.

3    Thy foot he’ll not let slide, nor will
          he slumber that thee keeps.
4    Behold, he that keeps Israel
          he slumbers not, nor sleeps.

5    The Lord thee keeps, the Lord thy shade
          on thy right hand doth stay:
6    The moon by night thee shall not smite,
          nor yet the sun by day.

7    The Lord shall keep thy soul; he shall
          preserve thee from all ill.
8    Henceforth thy going out and in
          God keep for ever will.

Psalm 142

1    I with my voice cry’d to the Lord,

          with it made my request:

2    Pour’d out to him my plaint, to him

          my trouble I exprest.

3    When in me was o’erwhelm’d my sp’rit,

          then well thou knew’st my way;

     Where I did walk a snare for me

          they privily did lay.

4    I look’d on my right hand, and view’d,

          but none to know me were;

     All refuge failed me, no man

          did for my soul take care.

5    I cry’d to thee; I said, Thou art

          my refuge, Lord, alone;

     And in the land of those that live

          thou art my portion.

6    Because I am brought very low,

          attend unto my cry:

     Me from my persecutors save,

          who stronger are than I.

7    From prison bring my soul, that I

          thy name may glorify:

     The just shall compass me, when thou

          with me deal’st bounteously.

Psalm 143

Second Version (

1    Oh, hear my prayer, Lord,
          And unto my desire
     To bow thine ear accord,
          I humbly thee require;

     And, in thy faithfulness,
          Unto me answer make,
     And, in thy righteousness,
          Upon me pity take.

2    In judgment enter not
          With me thy servant poor;
     For why, this well I wot,
          No sinner can endure

     The sight of thee, O God:
          If thou his deeds shalt try,
     He dare make none abode
          Himself to justify.

3    Behold, the cruel foe
          Me persecutes with spite,
     My soul to overthrow:
          Yea, he my life down quite

     Unto the ground hath smote,
          And made me dwell full low
     In darkness, as forgot,
          Or men dead long ago.

4    Therefore my sp’rit much vex’d,
          O’erwhelm’d is me within;
     My heart right sore perplex’d
          And desolate hath been.

5    Yet I do call to mind
          What ancient days record,
     Thy works of ev’ry kind
          I think upon, O Lord.

6    Lo, I do stretch my hands
          To thee, my help alone;
     For thou well understands
          All my complaint and moan:

     My thirsting soul desires,
          And longeth after thee,
     As thirsty ground requires
          With rain refresh’d to be.

7    Lord, let my pray’r prevail,
          To answer it make speed;
     For, lo, my sp’rit doth fail:
          Hide not thy face in need;

     Lest I be like to those
          That do in darkness sit,
     Or him that downward goes
          Into the dreadful pit.

8    Because I trust in thee,
          O Lord, cause me to hear
     Thy loving-kindness free,
          When morning doth appear:

     Cause me to know the way
          Wherein my path should be;
     For why, my soul on high
          I do lift up to thee.

9    From my fierce enemy
          In safety do me guide,
     Because I flee to thee,
          Lord, that thou may’st me hide.

10   My God alone art thou,
          Teach me thy righteousness:
     Thy Sp’rit’s good, lead me to
          The land of uprightness.

11   O Lord, for thy name’s sake,
          Be pleas’d to quicken me;
     And, for thy truth, forth take
          My soul from misery.

12   And of thy grace destroy
          My foes, and put to shame
     All who my soul annoy;
For I thy servant am

Psalm 144

1    O blessed ever be the Lord,

          who is my strength and might,

     Who doth instruct my hands to war,

          my fingers teach to fight.

2    My goodness, fortress, my high tow’r,

          deliverer, and shield,

     In whom I trust: who under me

          my people makes to yield.

3    Lord, what is man, that thou of him

          dost so much knowledge take?

     Or son of man, that thou of him

          so great account dost make?

4    Man is like vanity; his days,

          as shadows, pass away.

5    Lord, bow thy heav’ns, come down,

          touch thou the hills, and smoke shall they.

6    Cast forth thy lightning, scatter them;

          thine arrows shoot, them rout.

7    Thine hand send from above, me save;

          from great depths draw me out;

     And from the hand of children strange,

8         Whose mouth speaks vanity;

     And their right hand is a right hand

          that works deceitfully.

9    A new song I to thee will sing,

          Lord, on a psaltery;

     I on a ten-string’d instrument

          will praises sing to thee.

10   Ev’n he it is that unto kings

          salvation doth send;

     Who his own servant David doth

          from hurtful sword defend.

11   O free me from strange children’s hand,

          whose mouth speaks vanity;

     And their right hand a right hand is

          that works deceitfully.

12   That, as the plants, our sons may be

          in youth grown up that are;

     Our daughters like to corner-stones,

          carv’d like a palace fair.

13   That to afford all kind of store

          our garners may be fill’d;

     That our sheep thousands, in our streets

          ten thousands they may yield.

14    That strong our oxen be for work,

          that no in-breaking be,

     Nor going out; and that our streets

          may from complaints be free.

15   Those people blessed are who be

          in such a case as this;

     Yea, blessed all those people are,

          whose God Jehovah is.

Ekklesia Muskogee is a reformed baptist church that gathers for worship in Muskogee, Oklahoma. We confess the 1689 second London baptist confession of faith. We affirm the five solas of the Reformation as well as the doctrines of grace (otherwise known as the five points of Calvinism), and each of our pastors would not be ashamed to be called a Calvinist. We are a church led by elders, of which there is a plurality (also called pastors and overseers in the Scriptures). Our mission is to make disciples, love cities, and plant churches.