Psalm 132

1    David, and his afflictions all,

          Lord, do thou think upon;

2    How unto God he sware, and vow’d

          to Jacob’s mighty One.

3    I will not come within my house,

          nor rest in bed at all;

4    Nor shall mine eyes take any sleep,

          nor eyelids slumber shall;

5    Till for the Lord a place I find,

          where he may make abode;

     A place of habitation

          for Jacob’s mighty God.

6    Lo, at the place of Ephratah

          of it we understood;

     And we did find it in the fields,

          and city of the wood.

7    We’ll go into his tabernacles,

          and at his footstool bow.

8    Arise, O Lord, into thy rest,

          th’ ark of thy strength, and thou.

9    O let thy priests be clothed, Lord,

          with truth and righteousness;

     And let all those that are thy saints

          shout loud for joyfulness.

10   For thine own servant David’s sake,

          do not deny thy grace;

     Nor of thine own anointed one

          turn thou away the face.

11   The Lord in truth to David sware,

          he will not turn from it,

     I of thy body’s fruit will make

          upon thy throne to sit.

12   My cov’nant if thy sons will keep,

          and laws to them made known,

     Their children then shall also sit

          for ever on thy throne.

13   For God of Sion hath made choice;

          there he desires to dwell.

14   This is my rest, here still I’ll stay;

          for I do like it well.

15   Her food I’ll greatly bless; her poor

          with bread will satisfy.

16   Her priests I’ll clothe with health; her saints

          shall shout forth joyfully.

17   And there will I make David’s horn

          to bud forth pleasantly:

     For him that mine anointed is

          a lamp ordain’d have I.

18   As with a garment I will clothe

          with shame his en’mies all:

     But yet the crown that he doth wear

          upon him flourish shall.

Psalm 131

1    My heart not haughty is, O Lord,

          mine eyes not lofty be;

     Nor do I deal in matters great,

          or things too high for me.

2    I surely have myself behav’d

          with quiet sp’rit and mild,

     As child of mother wean’d: my soul

          is like a weaned child.

3    Upon the Lord let all the hope

          of Israel rely,

     Ev’n from the time that present is

          unto eternity.

Psalm 148

First version (C.M.)

1    Praise God. From heavens praise the Lord,

          in heights praise to him be.

2    All ye his angels, praise ye him;

          his hosts all, praise him ye.

3    O praise ye him, both sun and moon,

          praise him, all stars of light.

4    Ye heav’ns of heav’ns him praise, and floods

          above the heavens’ height.

5    Let all the creatures praise the name

          of our almighty Lord:

     For he commanded, and they were

          created by his word.

6    He also, for all times to come,

          hath them establish’d sure;

     He hath appointed them a law,

          which ever shall endure.

7    Praise ye Jehovah from the earth,

          dragons, and ev’ry deep:

8    Fire, hail, snow, vapour, stormy wind,

          his word that fully keep.

9    All hills and mountains, fruitful trees,

          and all ye cedars high:

10   Beasts, and all cattle, creeping things,

          and all ye birds that fly.

11   Kings of the earth, all nations,

          princes, earth’s judges all:

12   Both young men, yea, and maidens too,

          old men, and children small.

13   Let them God’s name praise; for his name

          alone is excellent:

     His glory reacheth far above

          the earth and firmament.

14   His people’s horn, the praise of all

          his saints, exalteth he;

     Ev’n Isr’el’s seed, a people near

          to him. The Lord praise ye.

Second Version (

1    The Lord of heav’n confess,

     On high his glory raise.

2    Him let all angels bless,

     Him all his armies praise.

3         Him glorify

          Sun, moon, and stars;

4         Ye higher spheres,

          And cloudy sky.

5    From God your beings are,

     Him therefore famous make;

     You all created were,

     When he the word but spake.

6         And from that place,

          Where fix’d you be

          By his decree,

          You cannot pass.

7    Praise God from earth below,

     Ye dragons, and ye deeps:

8    Fire, hail, clouds, wind, and snow.

     Whom in command he keeps.

9         Praise ye his name,

          Hills great and small,

          Trees low and tall;

10        Beasts wild and tame;

     All things that creep or fly.

11   Ye kings, ye vulgar throng,

     All princes mean or high;

12   Both men and virgins young,

          Ev’n young and old,

13         Exalt his name;

          For much his fame

          Should be extoll’d.

     O let God’s name be prais’d

     Above both earth and sky;

14   For he his saints hath rais’d,

     And set their horn on high;

          Ev’n those that be

          Of Isr’el’s race,

          Near to his grace.

          The Lord praise ye.

Psalm 134

1    Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye

          that his attendants are,

     Ev’n you that in God’s temple be,

          and praise him nightly there.

2    Your hands within God’s holy place

          lift up, and praise his name.

3    From Sion’ hill the Lord thee bless,

          that heav’n and earth did frame.

Psalm 138

1    Thee will I praise with all my heart,

          I will sing praise to thee

2    Before the gods: And worship will

          toward thy sanctuary.

     I’ll praise thy name, ev’n for thy truth,

          and kindness of thy love;

     For thou thy word hast magnify’d

          all thy great name above.

3    Thou didst me answer in the day

          when I to thee did cry;

     And thou my fainting soul with strength

          didst strengthen inwardly.

4    All kings upon the earth that are

          shall give thee praise, O Lord,

     When as they from thy mouth shall hear

          thy true and faithful word.

5    Yea, in the righteous ways of God

          with gladness they shall sing:

     For great’s the glory of the Lord;

          who doth for ever reign.

6    Though God be high, yet he respects

          all those that lowly be;

     Whereas the proud and lofty ones

          afar off knoweth he.

7    Though I in midst of trouble walk,

          I life from thee shall have:

    ‘Gainst my foes’ wrath thou’lt stretch thine hand;

          thy right hand shall me save.

8    Surely that which concerneth me

          the Lord will perfect make:

     Lord, still thy mercy lasts; do not

          thine own hands’ works forsake.

Psalm 137

1    By Babel’s streams we sat and wept,

          when Sion we thought on.

2    In midst thereof we hang’d our harps

          the willow-trees upon.

3    For there a song required they,

          who did us captive bring:

     Our spoilers call’d for mirth, and said,

          A song of Sion sing.

4    O how the Lord’s song shall we sing

          within a foreign land?

5    If thee, Jerus’lem, I forget,

          skill part from my right hand.

6    My tongue to my mouth’s roof let cleave,

          if I do thee forget,

     Jerusalem, and thee above

          my chief joy do not set.

7    Remember Edom’s children, Lord,

          who in Jerus’lems day,

     Ev’n unto its foundation,

          Raze, raze it quite, did say.

8    O daughter thou of Babylon,

          near to destruction;

     Bless’d shall he be that thee rewards,

          as thou to us hast done.

9    Yea, happy surely shall he be

          thy tender little ones

     Who shall lay hold upon, and them

          shall dash against the stones.

Psalm 135

1    Praise ye the Lord, the Lord’s name praise;

          his servants, praise ye God.

2    Who stand in God’s house, in the courts

          of our God make abode.

3    Praise ye the Lord, for he is good;

          unto him praises sing:

     Sing praises to his name, because

          it is a pleasant thing.

4    For Jacob to himself the Lord

          did chuse of his good pleasure,

     And he hath chosen Israel

          for his peculiar treasure.

5    Because I know assuredly

          the Lord is very great,

     And that our Lord above all gods

          in glory hath his seat.

6    What things soever pleas’d the Lord,

          that in the heav’n did he,

     And in the earth, the seas, and all

          the places deep that be.

7    He from the ends of earth doth make

          the vapours to ascend;

     With rain he lightnings makes, and wind

          doth from his treasures send.

8    Egypt’s first-born, from man to beast

9         who smote. Strange tokens he

     On Phar’oh and his servants sent,

          Egypt, in midst of thee.

10   He smote great nations, slew great kings:

11         Sihon of Heshbon king,

     And Og of Bashan, and to nought

          did Canaan’s kingdoms bring:

12   And for a wealthy heritage

          their pleasant land he gave,

     An heritage which Israel,

          his chosen folk, should have.

13   Thy name, O Lord, shall still endure,

          and thy memorial

     With honour shall continu’d be

          to generations all.

14   For why? the righteous God will judge

          his people righteously;

     Concerning those that do him serve,

          himself repent will he.

15   The idols of the nations

          of silver are and gold,

     And by the hands of men is made

          their fashion and mould.

16   Mouths have they, but they do not speak;

          eyes, but they do not see;

17   Ears have they, but hear not; and in

          their mouths no breathing be.

18   Their makers are like them; so are

          all that on them rely.

19   O Isr’el’s house, bless God; bless God,

          O Aaron’s family.

20   O bless the Lord, of Levi’s house

          ye who his servants are;

     And bless the holy name of God,

          all ye the Lord that fear.

21   And blessed be the Lord our God

          from Sion’s holy hill,

     Who dwelleth at Jerusalem.

          The Lord O praise ye still.

Psalm 136

TUNE: Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery

First Version (

1    Give thanks to God, for good is he:  
        for mercy hath he ever.
2    Thanks to the God of gods give ye:
          for his grace faileth never.

3    Thanks give the Lord of lords unto:
          for mercy hath he ever.
4    Who only wonders great can do:
          for his grace faileth never.

5    Who by his wisdom made heav’ns high:
          for mercy hath he ever.
6    Who stretch’d the earth above the sea:
          for his grace faileth never.

7    To him that made the great lights shine:
          for mercy hath he ever.
8    The sun to rule till day decline:
          for his grace faileth never.

9    The moon and stars to rule by night:
          for mercy hath he ever.
10   Who Egypt’s first-born kill’d outright:
          for his grace faileth never.

11   And Isr’el brought from Egypt land:
          for mercy hath he ever.
12   With stretch’d-out arm, and with strong hand:
          for his grace faileth never.


13   By whom the Red sea parted was:

          for mercy hath he ever.

14   And through its midst made Isr’el pass:

          for his grace faileth never.

15   But Phar’oh and his host did drown:

          for mercy hath he ever.

16   Who through the desert led his own:

          for his grace faileth never.

17   To him great kings who overthrew:

          for he hath mercy ever.

18   Yea, famous kings in battle slew:

          for his grace faileth never.

19   Ev’n Sihon king of Amorites:

          for he hath mercy ever.

20   And Og the king of Bashanites:

          for his grace faileth never.

21   Their land in heritage to have:

          (for mercy hath he ever.)

22   His servant Isr’el right he gave:

          for his grace faileth never.

23   In our low state who on us thought:

          for he hath mercy ever.

24   And from our foes our freedom wrought:

          for his grace faileth never.

25   Who doth all flesh with food relieve:

          for he hath mercy ever.

26   Thanks to the God of heaven give:

          for his grace faileth never.

Second Version (

1    Praise God, for he is kind:

     His mercy lasts for aye.

2    Give thanks with heart and mind

     To God of gods alway:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


3    The Lord of lords praise ye,

     Whose mercies still endure.

4    Great wonders only he

     Doth work by his great pow’r

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


5    Which God omnipotent,

     By might and wisdom high,

     The heav’n and firmament

     Did frame, as we may see:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


6    To him who did outstretch

     This earth so great and wide,

     Above the waters’ reach

     Making it to abide:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


7    Great lights he made to be;

     For his grace lasteth aye:

8    Such as the sun we see,

     To rule the lightsome day:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


9    Also the moon so clear,

     Which shineth in our sight;

     The stars that do appear,

     To guide the darksome night:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


10   To him that Egypt smote,

     Who did his message scorn;

     And in his anger hot

     Did kill all their first-born:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


11   Thence Isr’el out he brought;

     For his grace lasteth ever.

12   With a strong hand he wrought,

     And stretch’d-out arm deliver:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


13   The sea he cut in two;

     For his grace lasteth still.

14   And through its midst to go

     Made his own Israel:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


15   But overwhelm’d and lost

     Was proud king Pharaoh,

     With all his mighty host,

     And chariots there also:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


16   To him who pow’rfully

     His chosen people led,

     Ev’n through the desert dry,

     And in that place them fed:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


17   To him great kings who smote;

     For his grace hath no bound.

18   Who slew, and spared not

     Kings famous and renown’d:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


19   Sihon the Am’rites’ king;

For his grace lasteth ever:

20   Og also, who did reign

     The land of Bashan over:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


21   Their land by lot he gave;

     For his grace faileth never,

22   That Isr’el might it have

     In heritage for ever:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


23   Who hath remembered

     Us in our low estate;

24   And us delivered

     From foes which did us hate:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


25   Who to all flesh gives food;

     For his grace faileth never.

26   Give thanks to God most good,

     The God of heav’n, for ever:

          For certainly

          His mercies dure

          Most firm and sure


Psalm 133

1    Behold, how good a thing it is,

          and how becoming well,

     Together such as brethren are

          in unity to dwell!

2    Like precious ointment on the head,

          that down the beard did flow,

     Ev’n Aaron’s beard, and to the skirts,*

          did of his garments go.

3    As Hermon’s dew, the dew that doth

          on Sion’ hills descend:

     For there the blessing God commands,

          life that shall never end.

Psalm 130

1    Lord, from the depths to thee I cry’d.

2         My voice, Lord, do thou hear:

     Unto my supplication’s voice

          give an attentive ear.

3    Lord, who shall stand, if thou, O Lord,

          should’st mark iniquity?

4    But yet with thee forgiveness is,

          that fear’d thou mayest be.

5    I wait for God, my soul doth wait,

          my hope is in his word.

6    More than they that for morning watch,

          my soul waits for the Lord;

 I say, more than they that do watch

          the morning light to see.

7    Let Israel hope in the Lord,

          for with him mercies be;

     And plenteous redemption

          is ever found with him.

8    And from all his iniquities

          he Isr’el shall redeem.

Ekklesia Muskogee is a reformed baptist church that gathers for worship in Muskogee, Oklahoma. We confess the 1689 second London baptist confession of faith. We affirm the five solas of the Reformation as well as the doctrines of grace (otherwise known as the five points of Calvinism), and each of our pastors would not be ashamed to be called a Calvinist. We are a church led by elders, of which there is a plurality (also called pastors and overseers in the Scriptures). Our mission is to make disciples, love cities, and plant churches.