Psalm 030

1    Lord, I will thee extol, for thou

          hast lifted me on high,

     And over me thou to rejoice

          mad’st not mine enemy.

2    O thou who art the Lord my God,

          I in distress to thee,

     With loud cries lifted up my voice,

          and thou hast healed me.

3    O Lord, my soul thou hast brought up,

          and rescu’d from the grave;

     That I to pit should not go down,

          alive thou didst me save.

4    O ye that are his holy ones,

          sing praise unto the Lord;

     And give unto him thanks, when ye

          his holiness record.

5    For but a moment lasts his wrath;

          life in his favour lies:

     Weeping may for a night endure,

          at morn doth joy arise.

6    In my prosperity I said,

          that nothing shall me move.

7    O Lord, thou hast my mountain made

          to stand strong by thy love:

     But when that thou, O gracious God,

          didst hide thy face from me,

     Then quickly was my prosp’rous state

          turn’d into misery.

8    Wherefore unto the Lord my cry

          I caused to ascend:

     My humble supplication

          I to the Lord did send.

9    What profit is there in my blood,

          when I go down to pit?

     Shall unto thee the dust give praise?

          thy truth declare shall it?

10   Hear, Lord, have mercy; help me, Lord:

11        Thou turned hast my sadness

     To dancing; yea, my sackcloth loos’d,

          and girded me with gladness;

12   That sing thy praise my glory may,

          and never silent be.

     O Lord my God, for evermore

          I will give thanks to thee.

Psalm 027

1    The Lord’s my light and saving health,

          who shall make me dismay’d?

     My life’s strength is the Lord, of whom

          then shall I be afraid?

2    When as mine enemies and foes,

          most wicked persons all,

     To eat my flesh against me rose,

          they stumbled and did fall.

3    Against me though an host encamp,

          my heart yet fearless is:

     Though war against me rise, I will

          be confident in this.

4    One thing I of the Lord desir’d,

          and will seek to obtain,

     That all days of my life I may

          within God’s house remain;

     That I the beauty of the Lord

          behold may and admire,

     And that I in his holy place

          may rev’rently enquire.

5    For he in his pavilion shall

          me hide in evil days;

     In secret of his tent me hide,

          and on a rock me raise.

6    And now, ev’n at this present time,

          mine head shall lifted be

     Above all those that are my foes,

          and round encompass me:

     Therefore unto his tabernacle

          I’ll sacrifices bring

     Of joyfulness; I’ll sing, yea, I

          to God will praises sing.

7    O Lord, give ear unto my voice,

          when I do cry to thee;

     Upon me also mercy have,

          and do thou answer me.

8    When thou didst say, Seek ye my face,

          then unto thee reply

     Thus did my heart, Above all things

          thy face, Lord, seek will I.

9    Far from me hide not thou thy face;

          put not away from thee

     Thy servant in thy wrath: thou hast

          an helper been to me.

     O God of my salvation,

          leave me not, nor forsake:

10   Though me my parents both should leave,

          the Lord will me up take.

11   O Lord, instruct me in thy way,

          to me a leader be

     In a plain path, because of those

          that hatred bear to me.

12   Give me not to mine en’mies’ will;

          for witnesses that lie

     Against me risen are, and such

          as breathe out cruelty.

13   I fainted had, unless that I

          believed had to see

     The Lord’s own goodness in the land

          of them that living be.

14   Wait on the Lord, and be thou strong,

          and he shall strength afford

     Unto thine heart; yea, do thou wait,

          I say, upon the Lord.

Psalm 024

Psalm 24:3-10

TUNE = God Moves in a Mysterious Way, Jason French version

The earth belongs unto the Lord,
and all that it contains;
The world that is inhabited,
and all that there remains.

For the foundations thereof
he on the seas did lay,
And he hath it established
upon the floods to stay.

Who is the man that shall ascend
into the hill of God?
Or who within his holy place
shall have a firm abode?

Whose hands are clean, whose heart is pure,
and unto vanity
Who hath not lifted up his soul,
nor sworn deceitfully.

He from th’ Eternal shall receive
the blessing him upon,
And righteousness, ev’n from the God
of his salvation.

This is the generation
that after him enquire,
O Jacob, who do seek thy face
with their whole heart’s desire.

Ye gates, lift up your heads on high;
ye doors that last for aye,
Be lifted up, that so the King
of glory enter may.

But who of glory is the King?
The mighty Lord is this;
Ev’n that same Lord, that great in might
and strong in battle is.

Ye gates, lift up your heads; ye doors,
doors that do last for aye,
Be lifted up, that so the King
of glory enter may.

10 But who is he that is the King
of glory? who is this?
The Lord of hosts, and none but he,
the King of glory is


Psalm 021

1    The king in thy great strength, O Lord,

          shall very joyful be:

     In thy salvation rejoice

          how veh’mently shall he!

2    Thou hast bestowed upon him

          all that his heart would have;

     And thou from him didst not withhold

          whate’er his lips did crave.

3    For thou with blessings him prevent’st

          of goodness manifold;

     And thou hast set upon his head

          a crown of purest gold.

4    When he desired life of thee,

          thou life to him didst give;

     Ev’n such a length of days, that he

          for evermore should live.

5    In that salvation wrought by thee

          his glory is made great;

     Honour and comely majesty

          thou hast upon him set.

6    Because that thou for evermore

          most blessed hast him made;

     And thou hast with thy countenance

          made him exceeding glad.

7    Because the king upon the Lord

          his confidence doth lay;

     And through the grace of the most High

          shall not be mov’d away.

8    Thine hand shall all those men find out

          that en’mies are to thee;

     Ev’n thy right hand shall find out those

          of thee that haters be.

9    Like fiery ov’n thou shalt them make,

          when kindled is thine ire;

     God shall them swallow in his wrath,

          devour them shall the fire.

10   Their fruit from earth thou shalt destroy,

          their seed men from among:

11   For they beyond their might ‘gainst thee

          did plot mischief and wrong.

12   Thou therefore shalt make them turn back,

          when thou thy shafts shalt place

     Upon thy strings, made ready all

          to fly against their face.

13   In thy great pow’r and strength, O Lord,

          be thou exalted high;

     So shall we sing with joyful hearts,

          thy power praise shall we.

Psalm 032

1    O blessed is the man to whom

          is freely pardoned

     All the transgression he hath done,

          whose sin is covered.

2    Bless’d is the man to whom the Lord

          imputeth not his sin,

     And in whose sp’rit there is no guile,

          nor fraud is found therein.

3    When as I did refrain my speech,

          and silent was my tongue,

     My bones then waxed old, because

          I roared all day long.

4    For upon me both day and night

          thine hand did heavy lie,

     So that my moisture turned is

          in summer’s drought thereby.

5    I thereupon have unto thee

          my sin acknowledged,

     And likewise mine iniquity

          I have not covered:

     I will confess unto the Lord

          my trespasses, said I;

     And of my sin thou freely didst

          forgive th’ iniquity.

6    For this shall ev’ry godly one

          his prayer make to thee;

     In such a time he shall thee seek,

          as found thou mayest be.

     Surely, when floods of waters great

          do swell up to the brim,

     They shall not overwhelm his soul,

          nor once come near to him.

7    Thou art my hiding-place, thou shalt

          from trouble keep me free:

     Thou with songs of deliverance

          about shalt compass me.

8    I will instruct thee, and thee teach

          the way that thou shalt go;

     And, with mine eye upon thee set,

          I will direction show.

9    Then be not like the horse or mule,

          which do not understand;

     Whose mouth, lest they come near to thee,

          a bridle must command.

10   Unto the man that wicked is

          his sorrows shall abound;

     But him that trusteth in the Lord

          mercy shall compass round.

11   Ye righteous, in the Lord be glad,

          in him do ye rejoice:

     All ye that upright are in heart,

          for joy lift up your voice.

Psalm 034

1    God will I bless all times; his praise
          my mouth shall still express.
2    My soul shall boast in God: the meek
          shall hear with joyfulness.

3    Extol the Lord with me, let us
          exalt his name together.
4    I sought the Lord, he heard, and did
          me from all fears deliver.

5    They look’d to him, and lighten’d were:
          not shamed were their faces.
6    This poor man cry’d, God heard, and sav’d
          him from all his distresses.

7    The angel of the Lord encamps,
          and round encompasseth
     All those about that do him fear,
          and them delivereth.

8    O taste and see that God is good:
          who trusts in him is bless’d.
9    Fear God his saints: none that him fear
          shall be with want oppress’d.

10   The lions young may hungry be,
          and they may lack their food:
     But they that truly seek the Lord
          shall not lack any good.

11   O children, hither do ye come,
          and unto me give ear;
     I shall you teach to understand
          how ye the Lord should fear.

12   What man is he that life desires,
          to see good would live long?
13   Thy lips refrain from speaking guile,
          and from ill words thy tongue.

14   Depart from ill, do good, seek peace,
          pursue it earnestly.
15   God’s eyes are on the just; his ears
          are open to their cry.

16   The face of God is set against
          those that do wickedly,
     That he may quite out from the earth
          cut off their memory.

17   The righteous cry unto the Lord,
          he unto them gives ear;
     And they out of their troubles all
          by him deliver’d are.

18   The Lord is ever nigh to them
          that be of broken sp’rit;
     To them he safety doth afford
          that are in heart contrite.

19   The troubles that afflict the just
          in number many be;
     But yet at length out of them all
          the Lord doth set him free.

20   He carefully his bones doth keep,
          whatever can befall;
     That not so much as one of them
          can broken be at all.

21     Ill shall the wicked slay; laid waste
          shall be who hate the just.
22     The Lord redeems his servants’ souls;
          none perish that him trust.

Psalm 031

1    In thee, O Lord, I put my trust,

          sham’d let me never be;

     According to thy righteousness

          do thou deliver me.

2    Bow down thine ear to me, with speed

          send me deliverance:

     To save me, my strong rock be thou,

          and my house of defence.

3    Because thou art my rock, and thee

          I for my fortress take;

     Therefore do thou me lead and guide,

          ev’n for thine own name’s sake.

4    And sith thou art my strength, therefore

          pull me out of the net,

     Which they in subtilty for me

          so privily have set.

5    Into thine hands I do commit

          my sp’rit: for thou art he,

     O thou, Jehovah, God of truth,

          that hast redeemed me.

6    Those that do lying vanities

          regard, I have abhorr’d:

     But as for me, my confidence

          is fixed on the Lord.

7    I’ll in thy mercy gladly joy:

          for thou my miseries

     Consider’d hast; thou hast my soul

          known in adversities:

8    And thou hast not inclosed me

          within the en’my’s hand;

     And by thee have my feet been made

          in a large room to stand.

9    O Lord, upon me mercy have,

          for trouble is on me:

     Mine eye, my belly, and my soul,

          with grief consumed be.

10   Because my life with grief is spent,

          my years with sighs and groans:

     My strength doth fail; and for my sin

          consumed are my bones.

11   I was a scorn to all my foes,

          and to my friends a fear;

     And specially reproach’d of those

          that were my neighbours near:

     When they me saw they from me fled.

12        Ev’n so I am forgot,

     As men are out of mind when dead:

          I’m like a broken pot.

13   For slanders I of many heard;

          fear compass’d me, while they

     Against me did consult, and plot

          to take my life away.

14   But as for me, O Lord, my trust

          upon thee I did lay;

     And I to thee, Thou art my God,

          did confidently say.

15   My times are wholly in thine hand:

          do thou deliver me

     From their hands that mine enemies

          and persecutors be.

16   Thy countenance to shine do thou

          upon thy servant make:

     Unto me give salvation,

          for thy great mercies’ sake.

17   Let me not be asham’d, O Lord,

          for on thee call’d I have:

     Let wicked men be sham’d, let them

          be silent in the grave.

18   To silence put the lying lips,

          that grievous things do say,

     And hard reports, in pride and scorn,

          on righteous men do lay.

19   How great’s the goodness thou for them

          that fear thee keep’st in store,

     And wrought’st for them that trust in thee

          the sons of men before!

20   In secret of thy presence thou

          shalt hide them from man’s pride:

     From strife of tongues thou closely shalt,

          as in a tent, them hide.

21   All praise and thanks be to the Lord;

          for he hath magnify’d

     His wondrous love to me within

          a city fortify’d.

22   For from thine eyes cut off I am,

          I in my haste had said;

     My voice yet heard’st thou, when to thee

          with cries my moan I made.

23   O love the Lord, all ye his saints;

          because the Lord doth guard

     The faithful, and he plenteously

          proud doers doth reward.

24   Be of good courage, and he strength

          unto your heart shall send,

     All ye whose hope and confidence

          doth on the Lord depend.

Psalm 006

First Version (Long Metre)

1    Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not;

          Nor in thy hot rage chasten me.

2    Lord, pity me, for I am weak:

          Heal me, for my bones vexed be.

3    My soul is also vexed sore;

          But, Lord, how long stay wilt thou make?

4    Return, O Lord, my soul set free;

          O save me, for thy mercies’ sake.

5    Because those that deceased are

          Of thee shall no remembrance have;

     And who is he that will to thee

          Give praises lying in the grave?

6    I with my groaning weary am,

          I also all the night my bed

     Have caused for to swim; and I

          With tears my couch have watered.

7    Mine eye, consum’d with grief, grows old,

          Because of all mine enemies.

8    Hence from me, wicked workers all;

          For God hath heard my weeping cries.

9    God hath my supplication heard,

          My pray’r received graciously

10   Sham’d and sore vex’d be all my foes,

          Sham’d and back turned suddenly.

Second Version (C.M.)

1    In thy great indignation,

          O Lord, rebuke me not;

     Nor on me lay thy chast ‘ning hand,

          in thy displeasure hot.

2    Lord, I am weak, therefore on me

          have mercy, and me spare:

     Heal me, O Lord, because thou know’st

          my bones much vexed are.

3    My soul is vexed sore: but, Lord,

          how long stay wilt thou make?

4    Return, Lord, free my soul; and save

          me, for thy mercies’ sake.

5    Because of thee in death there shall

          no more remembrance be:

     Of those that in the grave do lie,

          who shall give thanks to thee?

6    I with my groaning weary am,

          and all the night my bed

     I caused for to swim; with tears

          my couch I watered.

7     By reason of my vexing grief,

          mine eye consumed is;

     It waxeth old, because of all

          that be mine enemies.

8    But now, depart from me all ye

          that work iniquity:

     For why? the Lord hath heard my voice,

          when I did mourn and cry.

9    Unto my supplication

          the Lord did hearing give:

     When I to him my prayer make,

          the Lord will it receive.

10   Let all be sham’d and troubled sore,

          That en’mies are to me;

     Let them turn back, and suddenly

          ashamed let them be.

Psalm 005

1    Give ear unto my words, O Lord,

          my meditation weigh.

2    Hear my loud cry, my King, my God;

          for I to thee will pray.

3    Lord, thou shalt early hear my voice:

          I early will direct

     My pray’r to thee; and, looking up,

          an answer will expect.

4    For thou art not a God that doth

          in wickedness delight;

     Neither shall evil dwell with thee,

5         Nor fools stand in thy sight.

     All that ill-doers are thou hat’st;

6         Cutt’st off that liars be:

     The bloody and deceitful man

          abhorred is by thee.

7    But I into thy house will come

          in thine abundant grace;

     And I will worship in thy fear

          toward thy holy place.

8    Because of those mine enemies,

          Lord, in thy righteousness

     Do thou me lead; do thou thy way

          make straight before my face.

9    For in their mouth there is no truth,

          their inward part is ill;

     Their throat’s an open sepulchre,

          their tongue doth flatter still.

10   O God, destroy them; let them be

          by their own counsel quell’d:

     Them for their many sins cast out,

          for they ‘gainst thee rebell’d.

11   But let all joy that trust in thee,

          and still make shouting noise;

     For them thou sav’st; let all that love

          thy name in thee rejoice.

12   For, Lord, unto the righteous man

          thou wilt thy blessing yield:

     With favour thou wilt compass him

          about, as with a shield.

Psalm 019

1    The heav’ns God’s glory do declare,

          the skies his hand-works preach:

2    Day utters speech to day, and night

          to night doth knowledge teach.

3    There is no speech nor tongue to which

          their voice doth not extend:

4    Their line is gone through all the earth,

          their words to the world’s end.

     In them he set the sun a tent;

5         Who, bridegroom-like, forth goes

     From’s chamber, as a strong man doth

          to run his race rejoice.

6    From heav’n’s end is his going forth,

          circling to th’ end again;

     And there is nothing from his heat

          that hidden doth remain.

7    God’s law is perfect, and converts
         the soul in sin that lies:
     God’s testimony is most sure,
          and makes the simple wise.

8    The statutes of the Lord are right,
          and do rejoice the heart:
     The Lord’s command is pure, and doth
          light to the eyes impart.

9    Unspotted is the fear of God,
          and doth endure for ever:
     The judgments of the Lord are true
          and righteous altogether.

10   They more than gold, yea, much fine gold,
          to be desired are:
     Than honey, honey from the comb
          that droppeth, sweeter far.

11   Moreover, they thy servant warn
          how he his life should frame:
     A great reward provided is
          for them that keep the same.

12   Who can his errors understand?
          O cleanse thou me within
13   From secret faults. Thy servant keep
          from all presumptuous sin:

     And do not suffer them to have
          dominion over me:
     Then, righteous and innocent,
          I from much sin shall be.

14  The words which from my mouth proceed,
          the thoughts sent from my heart,
     Accept, O Lord, for thou my strength
          and my Redeemer art.

Ekklesia Muskogee is a reformed baptist church that gathers for worship in Muskogee, Oklahoma. We confess the 1689 second London baptist confession of faith. We affirm the five solas of the Reformation as well as the doctrines of grace (otherwise known as the five points of Calvinism), and each of our pastors would not be ashamed to be called a Calvinist. We are a church led by elders, of which there is a plurality (also called pastors and overseers in the Scriptures). Our mission is to make disciples, love cities, and plant churches.